Thursday, August 30, 2007

Transfer Java games and applications from PC to LG phones via USB cable (LG S5200, LG KG800)

I'm not sure it will works on every LG phones or not, so temporarily I can say it works with the LG phones that support LG Contents Bank only.

Software you need for the transferring :
LG Contents Bank (modem driver is included) It is for KG800. You can choose your phone's software here.

Get free games from : (make sure the games you download are compatible with your LG phone)

I will start from the point where you installed the LG Contents Bank(KG800) and modem driver. For other LG phone model owners, you can get your LG Contents Bank by clicking here.

Now, let us start :
1. Don't open the LG Contents Bank program(close it, make sure it's not running). Go to C:\Program Files\LGGSM\LGContentsBank and open config.ini(you may make a backup of this file) with Notepad.

2. Look for the line of PROG_SETTING that reads EXIST_JAVA=N. Then change it to EXIST_JAVA=Y

3. Save as the file you edited. Make sure the save file type is changed to "All Files" before pressing the Save button.

4. On your computer, use Windows Explorer to create a new folder in C:\Program Files\LGGSM\LGContentsBank\Contents, name the new folder, Java. Now, the Contents folder contains 3 folders called RingTone, Picture and Java.

5. Put your games(.jar and .jad) in C:\Program Files\LGGSM\LGContentsBank\Contents\Java
In most cases you will only need to put the .JAR file but if that doesn't work, you can try to put the .JAD file. You can use JADMaker to create JAD file for you.

6. Keep the phone slider open, and turn the phone modem on (Menu --> Settings --> Connectivity --> Modem --> Activate modem --> Yes, and then press the back button to get back until to the main screen)

7. Now you can connect the phone to the computer via USB cable.

8. Open the LG Contents Bank and you can see a new Java icon appeared.

9. Click the Java icon.

10. In the Contents Bank Tool menu, press Option and under Setting, Port, pick LG USB Cable and OK.

11. Click the Connect button.

12. Once connected, select the Java file you want to transfer and press Download button.

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